What are you visualizing?

lighted path in the woodsHappy new year!! I love this time of year. It’s my time to really go deep with where I am in life and where I want to go.  Are you pondering your intentions, resolutions and dreams?

Here’s a bit of encouragement if dreaming about the new year isn’t filling you with joyful anticipation.

Visualization- “the formation of a mental image of something.” Call it imagination, dreaming, anticipation… visualization is the “movie” of your life that you run in your head. An important factor about those thoughts that you regularly spin in your brain is that they are energy. Yes, what you think about is real measurable energy. That energy affects you and everyone around you.

Continue reading “What are you visualizing?”

“I live my life in widening circles…”

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not ever complete the last one,
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, that primordial tower.
I have been circling for thousands of years,
and I still don’t know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

by Rainer Maria Rilke

English version by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy- Original Language German
Continue reading ““I live my life in widening circles…””

Lifestyle wellness

Energy, all around and within. Image ⒸSuniMoon.net

Oh great, another new term… what do I need to change now?
If this is your reaction, relax. I’m not asking you to change one more thing. I’m asking you to change everything. LOL

Lifestyle wellness is a term I love. I embraced it after reading “Lifestyle Medicine Handbook- an introduction to the power of healthy habits” from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. We all need a bit of light reading, right? Continue reading “Lifestyle wellness”

Leveling up as a human

I’ve been on a grand adventure in Peru. I’m still processing so much of what I experienced here. This blog allows me to share what I’ve made sense of so far… things that might be helpful to “normal people” like you.  hehe. Although I know many of you are the “not normal” flavor and would have loved to have been trekking thru the Sacred Valley with me, my friends and the Q’ero teachers communing with nature beings and learning about Andean spiritual traditions and Incan archeology. Wow… that’s a mouthful.  I’ll try to work on those run on sentences. Continue reading “Leveling up as a human”

Being invited in

Part of the ruins at the Wiracocha Temple near Puno, Peru

I haven’t blogged for awhile as I was traveling with a group. There were 12 of us who had been invited to share a really unique experience with the Q’ero tribe here in Peru.

The event is Hatun Karpay- the Great Initiation of the Inka to make the step to the 4th level of spiritual development. We visited many Inkan sacred sites, sometimes accompanying  members of the Q’ero tribe and participated in their traditional ceremonies. Continue reading “Being invited in”