online courses

Training on your schedule is finally available. I’m expanding the library of online classes regularly. Sign-up and viewing classes happens thru my online store at

Treat yourself well- a holistic self-care workshop

Self-care is a given in our crazy world, not because something is broken but because to thrive you need to be aware and capable of fine tuning your body, mind and spirit. This workshop offers 4.5 hours of training available when you are. Training segments include:  Mindful Check-in, Breathing to calm and energize, self-massage.
Cost $49
Details and signup


Mindful Kindness- calming practices with a healthy dose of self-compassion
Mindfulness calls us into this moment to find some peace. But in times of high stress or anxiety, we can need more. Explore extending kindness and compassion to ourselves as part of your mindfulness practice can comfort and calm, building energy and resilience to face life with a smile.
Class is 2 hours and available when you are. Cost $29.
Details and signup. 


New Moon Drum Meditation– use the new moon’s fresh start energy as a great time to recharge and get new inspiration. This online workshop shows you my personal monthly ritual to check in and keep my intentions in site. We talk about some moon lore, do some journaling then you lie back to enjoy a drum meditation which is an easy way for even meditation beginners to go deeper and perhaps find some new insights. Class is about an hour and available when you are. Cost is $20 but there’s a “pay what you wish” option for some have had a tough year financially and might appreciate a break.
Details and signup


Online sound bath– There’s nothing like a sound bath in person however, for some, it’s safer to stay home. Here’s an opportunity to experience my sound bath in the comfort of your home on your schedule. This is an hour of Tibetan bronze bowls, crystal bowls, chimes, voice, rainstick and drumming.  Cost is $25 but I’ve added “pay what you wish” options so you can enjoy the experience for as little as $5. I understand that 2020 has been super hard for some of us financially so pay what you can.
Details and signup

Remember that I’ve got a free library of meditation videos online for you to practice calming yourself. What you practice grows stronger.