house blessings and clearings

Do you ever feel like you, your home or office just need a fresh start or a breath of fresh air? Perhaps your business or you and your family have come through a challenging time and are ready to reboot. You might think to cleanse to start a new year, a new season or celebrate a n event with a cleansing of space. Consider a house clearing or blessing.anytime.
A house clearing is energetic- intended to cleanse negative, stale energy from your space. This is done in many ways. We set intentions where I guide the client to verbalize their goals from this fresh start practice. We bless the space with the clients wishes for change, their energy and their words, imagining the shifts that they hope for. Our intentions, our words can begin moving energy. I also bring ancient practices of smudging with herbs, using essential oils and bringing stones and crystals into the home to help clean the space with the power of nature’s elements. I am a master energy healer so bring years of experience working in the energetic realm into practical methods to help bring real change.
If this sounds like something you would love to experience in your space, contact me. A house cleansing/blessing generally costs $100 plus travel time if you’re not local to Canton OH. Contact me to learn more.