studying bones

So the message comes through that we can’t build a new world using the tools we used to build this current world as it’s proving to be flawed In incredibly important ways.

It is not fruitful to focus on one aspect of a broken system to assign blame. Blame is just creating additional divisiveness. In this new world we are building, we can’t build on separation, rather inclusion.

Have a friend who when she’s particularly frustrated might lash out and say that it’s all the fault of the Republicans, or the governor, or the conservatives or whatever. We’ve all had those moments when out of frustration, we would choose to assign blame to someone. Blaming anyone for the problems of this world today is never going to be productive.

In essence, each of us is to blame. Each of us must find a way to love those we do not love now. We must learn to love the essence of the human in spite of the fact that that human was raised in a society that taught it to be unkind or greedy or fearful, or untrusting. Each of us must find the love with them. And as we begin to live as loving creatures, then the world can begin to change.

How many aspects of a human being are there? Thousands? To see a person as being at fault because of a D or an R on their voting record makes little sense. There are Democrats and Republicans who might be unkind to their partners or neglectful of their children or uncaring to their pets. Those same people may help someone who is homeless or donate to a charity or somehow other take actions that are good. So within each of us there is darkness and light. That’s the nature of a human. If all together we could change our focus so that we value love and compassion more than we love the money, competitiveness and keeping the status quo then changes will come.

These lyrics from a recently released Song from East Forest, words of Bayo Akomolafe encourage me.

“What if I told you that,

Maybe the invitation is still being made

What if this time is an insurgency of the invisible?

Like things that we have pushed to our blindspots,

Unknowingly, inadvertently,

Are now coming to the field of vision

Now saying, “Look, I’m right over here. What do you do with me?”


I feel that this time is uncovering bones

And we can choose, we can choose to cover those things again

Or, we can choose to sit with those bones,

To do the hard task of meeting beings that we don’t know how to meet


And maybe there, in those openings

We might shape-shift


Stay with these shadows that are now showing up

As embodied beings

As multi-dimensional beings


Maybe the invitation is still being made ”


Bones- East Forest and Bayo Akomolafe - cover artcredits
from Possible, released July 23, 2021
Music – East Forest
Words – Bayo Akomolafe

To hear the song, visit

To learn more about Bayo Akomolafeand his work, visit


Love is our only path.
have fun!
Love is the only path.

For those of you who have followed me for years, this blog has shifted from encouragement or news to… info that is coming thru my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me. It all might resonate with you…. and it might not. No worries either way. It’s here as encouragement, passing along what I’ve learned from within and out.