
Additional info and recorded experiences to help you on your path. 💖
If you are a workshop student, here’s the link to your handouts.

Meditation group resources-
Here are a few documents and a blog post, I mention in group gatherings.

  • Meditation Basics handout  – a short overview of basic meditation practices that might help you get started… or restarted.
  • 30+ Mindfulness Practices  – Not all meditation is seated, silent practice. Here’s a list of 30 plus ways you might incorporated mindfulness practice into your day.
  • Why do I teach meditation? – maybe some insight into how I work and how groups get started. Hint… not terribly formal!  And often it works quite well.😊


Meditation practices

Audio meditations

Rest and redirect- a 20 min meditation practice to explore redirecting your mind from anxious or worrisome thoughts back to your breath. Redirecting your mind is a powerful skill and with a little practice you’ll be surprised. Once you’ve done the practice, you can use the skill easily without the recording but you’re welcome to stop back and repeat it as needed.

Guided meditation on transformation


Sound journeys

So much more on my YouTube Channel


#meditationrecording #soundmeditation #soundbath