Hey, don’t expect whining here. I have only praise.
Sure, my return ticket got canceled once a week or two before I left but it was easily remedied and actually the new ticket was better than the first. Thank you, Universe.
What I wanted to share is that I’ve wrestled more with anxiety before this trip. I always have anxiety but years of meditation practice and teaching gives me powerful tools to use when the brain goes crazy. And the tools were working… I was just surprised how often I had to use them. I could slip into a negative projection space pretty easily so I was working extra hard on attitude. I really do believe that you get back the vibes you send out.
So, my connection to LIma, Peru left from Atlanta at 11:30pm. Sounds rough but you get on the plane, go to sleep, wake up to eat two meals if you want (yes, they were pretty good.) When morning comes, voila, you’re in Peru. However, when boarding time came, no announcement. Uh oh?! A few minutes later, a voice comes across the gate sharing the dreaded “mechanical delay” words. We were told the delay would be two hours and if it wasn’t fixable, they would bring a plane from another gate. Shortly, we were told that a new plane was coming but needed cleaned and stocked with food. We did finally lift off around 1:30am but I knew I would miss my connection in Lima.
I worked hard during all this travel time to visualize good, reminding myself that things always do work out. Getting thru customs, I hit a small snag but the agent asked, “you rfirst time here?” and I said yes, with a worried look on my face. She just said, “next time bring a copy of the immigration form you filled out online and it will go faster for you. Oops… thanks.
Then I walk out to try to find my bag… and I see it sitting beside a uniformed agent? uh oh? But no… I walked up to her and introduced myself. She said these golden words that I have NEVER heard when I’ve missed a connection… ” I am sorry but you have missed your flight. If you will follow me, I will take you to the Delta desk and get you rescheduled.” What? Uh, okay!
I followed her like a lost, but happy puppy and indeed, SHE explained all that had happened (remember we’re in Lima Peru where Spanish is the official language.) I am given a ticket looking thing and told to go to another check in desk down the row and “they’ll know what to do with this form.” and they did.
I went and waited for my 11am flight and the rest was easy.
So, the moral of this story if there is one is that shit eventually works out. You can expect that and hold on to hope. Or you can sink yourself into the anxiety bath and radiate energy that no helper really wants to come near. Visualize the best, my friends, as often as you can… as often as you need to. It does always work out.
much love

Agreed. Things always work out better when you stay cool. 🙂
Thanks. I know you know how to do that So well, ❤️