Renewal of the morning

Rise and shine…
a call to the sun
and a similar call to me.
Rising to a new day,
breathing deeply
fills and lightens the spirit.
What will the day bring?
Who will I be?
What will I bring to the day?
Each morning
an opportunity
a fresh slate to fill.
Today can be,
I can be…
–suni moon

What are we doing here?

Meditation on Peace by artist Kathleen Hill

I came to meditation as a teenager with a mind that never shut up and horrible headaches. I learned to relax my body and in time, I learned how to relax my mind. With more time I learned that my mind isn’t me… but a tool to serve me. And then things got more fun. But that’s just my path. Yours will be different and equally fun to watch. Continue reading “What are we doing here?”

Dream on!

A dream map is not a new concept. I’m not sure where I first learned of it. But I’ve done them since I was a teenager. They used to be pictures torn out of magazines and pasted together on a piece of cardboard. The idea is to give yourself a visual of where you want to go. My life goals have changed a lot over the years but the idea that beauty is up ahead has always motivated me.

Continue reading “Dream on!”