Our day to day world is filled with conflict. Our media is filled with bad news, crises, battles, scary dark stuff- all filling us with fear. What do we do when we are afraid?
Often, we are a bit more likely to feel like huddling in the darkness (if we don’t physically crawl into the closet and hide.) Continue reading “My tribe, my place, my purpose”
Why do I teach meditation?
Meditation is a tough word. It’s had bad marketing. People think of it as something hard, something unattainable. People judge themselves on their ability to do it or not do it. Often even meditators judge themselves because they don’t meditate regularly, often enough or long enough. That’s a shame. Continue reading “Why do I teach meditation?”
Wisdom gleaned from busted stuff
I think that life (the universe, god, goddess… plug your term in here)
talks to me. The messages come thru dreams, thru insights, in surprising, “Where did that come from” sort of thoughts. Lately she’s talking to me thru busted stuff. Continue reading “Wisdom gleaned from busted stuff”
Five ways to not take the bait
It happens to all of us… well to most of us, from time to time. Someone says something unkind or totally mean about me to me. I become about 8 years old and say an adult version of “You big meanie pants. That’s not true. So there!” Continue reading “Five ways to not take the bait”
The winner is…
This month will be remembered as the month of busted shit. Car, computer, phone, a windshield- all operating at less than optimal. But none of it is a tragedy. Yes, all have racked up bills that I didn’t expect. But in the grand scheme of things… my shit is busted but I’m fine. Continue reading “The winner is…”
A fresh nudge
Some days, I find myself nose to nose with a brick wall. “Poor baby”
you might think to say.
But no… hitting this wall is just a clear invitation to choose a new path that I wasn’t willing to
look for until now. Continue reading “A fresh nudge”
Now I’m the teacher
I was a really shy kid. I was the one who walked into the room looking at her shoes because looking up was too scary. That was a long time ago.
Somewhere along the way, I did get brave enough to look up into the eyes and hearts of others. Eventually, I even learned to speak up. In time, I found that I love to teach.
Continue reading “Now I’m the teacher”
For any old day of love
It’s that day of love.
The one that seems all about
couples and hearts, candy and flowers and that’s all a good thing.
But if you’re a solo act, is this day for you too? Of course it is!!!
Continue reading “For any old day of love”
Choose happy
Here’s a nice stress reducer. It doesn’t cost a thing. You don’t even have to give up coffee or (horrors!) exercise. My stress reducer today is to ask you to choose happiness.
Continue reading “Choose happy”
Obstacles or illusions?
Sometimes a picture is worth a lot of words.
have fun out there!!
much love!
Photo and quote by me