Hi, welcome back to me!
I’ve been silent, not because anything has been wrong. Yeah, 2020 was an amazing year of learning for me.. I understand there was pain, loss and the whole world got sick. But the whole world has been sick for so long. And I believe she’s beginning to heal herself and I want to help her, help me and help us all.
In a nutshell, here’s my take on what’s been up with me.
Remember 2012… the year the world was going to end because the Mayan calendar stopped there? Yeah, well… the Mayan calendar was showing the end of an era. To me, that’s when the energy started shifting, elevating somehow. I noticed but didn’t make it a focus. I was busy trying to make my stuff happen… my dreams, my goals. All that was good except… I was trying to make things happen thru my own energy… my body, my mind with the help of personal energy of a few friends. And it was good but not lasting. When everything came tumbling down, I thought… what now? And that’s when the energy outside of me started calling again.
I’ve been reading/listening to Paul Selig‘s channeled works for several years now. His “Alchemy” accompanies me currently on daily walks. and I just received his most recent book which I’ll get to soon. Lee Harris has been a teacher of mine since before 2012. I learn a lot from Hare in the Moon astrology‘s Lorna Bevan. More recently, Stephen Busby’s “Guidance for Life on Earth” has added some interesting perspectives. These are some of the resources that have called to me. Do I recommend them to you? Nope, I recommend you pay attention to teachers that appear to you. Check out what you’re drawn to… does it feel right, helpful and most important. is it based in love?
Always explore new info that lights up for you. Is it founded in love, does it calm you, encourage you… then dig into that. If new info feels uncomfortable, is it because it’s new or is it not right for you. Each of us is different. Each of us has a different, unique path to follow in life. Each of us has special skills and purposes to serve here. If you are here, you came to be a part of these transformative times. Hooray!!
So this blog is shifting a bit from encouragement or news to… info that is coming thru my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me. It all might resonate with you…. and it might not. No worries either way. It’s here to encourage some of you and for me.
Love is our only path.
have fun!

All is as it should be. I am filled with such joy reading this post. It resonates with my footsteps and the journey so many others have found themselves on, too. We are together, my beautiful friend! Share.
I thought of you as I began these posts. Almost messaged you then remembered… I need no approval, something you reminded me of when the website got updated a couple years ago. No apologies any more. Just sining light, planting seeds and wandering on down the road. So so so grateful we’re wandering together as always.