This first stop on my journey, Wolf Totem Guesthouse, has been so interesting. This lovely hostel/hotel combination offers shared kitchen and community space to spend time with other travelers.
Last night my conversations included three other younger travelers- one from Morocco, one from Amsterdam and one from Utah with roots in Armenia. The night before there were four others- a 60-ish Brit who lives in CA, a young woman from Ukraine who decided to travel the world then war broke out in her country and a young woman from Brazil who travels extensively but doesn’t love air travel…. interesting.
My lessons from these times of sharing has been SO CLEAR.
Firstly, I do not know what it’s like to be anyone else so I can never know what they need, want or should do. To listen to the young Ukrainian talk about her parents choice to stay in the midst of the war because they are in a “safe zone,” receivinging only one bomb or missile strike per day. I know how lucky I am to be unable to imagine living in those circumstances.
I watched another lesson unfold last night- that when you speak in love, kindness and openness, people are drawn in. When they sense a loving discussion, they get up and come join. But as soon as someone in the conversation starts telling others what is right, sharing from that black and white perspective, “this is the way things should be” in a forceful way… people wander off. Wisely so, as they understand that no one knows what each of us should choose in our path of life.
When communicating with others, through your thoughts, words or actions- consider whether you are speaking from your mind or your heart. Somehow, last night I could hear “head talk” beginning almost from the way the speaker held him or herself. One young man, who drew me in with a discussion about how science and spiritual studies are merging. He leaned in and talked with passion. He talked about podcast interviews he had done with others… all exciting and empowering stories for me. Later in the conversation, when others had joined us, I noticed he sat up straighter and started telling us his views on guns, Covid and government control. I was struck by the feeling that this did not seem to even be the same person I started the conversation with. He sat up straighter, spoke more rapidly. He let others speak also but generally responded with repeating the same statement he said before. Repeatedly saying, “all the people have____… all the events were _____… everyone should____. ” To me, he was speaking from his head now… and not his heart.
Yes, I slid back my chair, thanked them all and wandered off to bed. I paused at the doorway to say goodnight to our host and when I looked back, everyone had gotten up and left the young man with the harsh, rigid viewpoints all alone.
Think about how you approach others in this world. Communicate to get to know them, sharing your knowledge and experience as it might uplift. The minute you think you know better what they should do… or that your way is the only one way… pause and check yourself. Are you speaking from your head… or from your heart? The world needs your heart now… and always has.
Sending light and love to us all
suni ❤️
Oooo like this message. Great observation. Our body speaks louder than words. I was speaking softly to Penny but my body language was frustrated and that is what she heard… I had to learn to manage my body’s temperament as well as my voice. Love you vibes 💞
I love yours too. <3