For me, the challenge is to embrace that we are spirit walking around in a meat suit.
My meat suit is amazing in its form and function but mine also has some characteristics that aren’t encouraging the awakening of the planet.
You see, my meat suit was raised in a society that encouraged conformance rather than seeking my true path. She was required to behave as others do, to sit quietly and listen to a teacher push information into her head, when she only wanted to run and play, explore nature and draw pictures. I learned to be graded and valued by my performance, not connecting with my true, perfect nature. Oh, I am one of the lucky ones, I did have some amazing teachers and strong examples to encourage my uniqueness and the knowledge that I could follow my dreams. But those were few voices, when the massive choir of energy asked me to perform and conform.
My meat suit was raised to believe that I needed to make a lot of money, own a house, a nice car and the right clothes to “succeed” in life. She was raised in a land that believed that you can force people to behave as you wish them to, even to kill them to force conformance. The world called this war, although she’s always known that if you hit someone on the head, they will only want to hit you back even harder.
And I’m lucky. Many were raised with no food, water or safe shelter. Many were raised in violent homes. Many grew up in war zones. Can my meat suit open her heart to all these… all who are really just like me from the aspect of the perfect light within?
Today, I’m working to be a co-creator, spirit with the meat suit And even more of a challenge is to see others the same way. All people are like me, spirit in a meat suit, magical perfect spirit walking around in a space suit, pure, incomparable essence driving around in a rusty ford. Most have not been empowered to see themselves as perfect, forever spirit in a fallible, perishable container. So… how can I help?
I believe I can help the individual and therefore help the world by seeing the spirit within and forgiving the meat suit for having been raised in a dysfunctional society. Really? What about the really crummy people, those we love to hate? Yep… all people. ALL people. Actually, all sentient beings- all the plants, the animals, the rocks, the earth, the planet. If I can see and honor the spirit within, I can, without a word, help the world become a more awakened, more loving place to live. The spirit within in you is the same as the spirit within me, same within that homeless guy or the snarling dog. All Spirit, all one, all part of the incomprehensible Universal creation that I don’t have to define to honor.
So, next time I catch my meat suit brain spinning a tale of negativity or division, criticizing another because my meat suit is feeling insecure…. I take a breath and remember the gracious spirit within. I am a physical manifestation of all that is… the energy that breathed the galaxies into existence. I pause and take a breath and allow the spirit in me to choose how I drive the meat suit today.
Love is our only path.
have fun!

For those of you who have followed me for years, this blog has shifted from encouragement or news to info that is coming thru my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me. It all might resonate with you…. and it might not. No worries either way. It’s here as encouragement, passing along what I’ve learned from within and out.