post 1 from within

In case you missed the announcement  (a quiet announcement, true) that the blog is shifting from messages from me that might help you… to messages that are coming thru me, my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me… and maybe you too. Enjoy or walk on by. Shine your loving light, however you can. Love is the only path to help us all.


We are living in times of great change. Change is a word that we resist. “I don’t want to change“ or “change is hard!” So rather than discussing change today, I’ll use the word transformation. It may not be any easier in your mind but transformation is creating something brand new from what we have at hand…. being creative which what is/was me. .

We are in a time of awakening. We can see that the world we have built is faltering. If we look at any of the systems that we have built- our governments, our medical systems, pharmaceuticals, banking, how we care for those in need, all of these proving to be flawed. In any area of this world we’ve built, we see that can need transformation. Systemic racism, care for the poor and homeless, unsustainable ways of treating our own very own planet- all these transformations can seem daunting.

Allow me to suggest that we cannot build a new world using the same tools we used to build our existing world. The tools that we will use are things that are not even clear to us at this point. Clarity comes as we awaken . Clarity comes as we become open to great change.

Each of us has lived in this world as a human, a physical body  We look at our body we gaze at our hands, we use our brain and believe that these are all we have to work with. We put all of our value on what is visible to us, what we can do with our bodies. In this awakening world, we are reminded, powerfully so, that we are spirit walking around in our human body suits. If you are familiar with the spirit aspect of you , then you have great potential to begin to understand that spirit has power well beyond our physical abilities to do. And the spirit that dwells in you is not a small thing. That spirit is an aspect of all spirit, a piece of the source of all things. We as beings are a physical expression of whatever you see as the great spirit , God, the universe. As you begin to perceive yourself as this spiritual being, you begin to imagine that the tools available to you are so much more than those we used to build this unsustainable, unequal, unloving world .

I’m truly moved by the words channeled by Paul Selig especially in his recent book entitled “Alchemy.” Alchemy is taking common things readily available to us and finding new ways to use them to reveal their truly precious powers. Each of us will find our own path , our own methods to explore alchemy ourselves but the idea that we have the tools within us to approach life in a very, very different way is what encourages me on .

My tool to explore and energize alchemy is sound. I share tones, sounds, vibrations, rhythms, words in intuitive ways to share the energies that I hope will help open doors for you to begin to see your path to alchemy, to transformation. Embracing our new powers to change can enable you to use new tools to build this new world- tools that you never imagined were available to you.

We’re living in transformative times, likely that’s how I started this ramble. And transformation is exciting. Each of us is here in these changing times to play a role in facilitating the elevation of our world from something un-loving and unsustainable to a world that is built on compassion and love. You will not be empowered fully to express your purpose in this life if you insist on using only those tools that have been available to you in the past. Gone are the times when we must only trust what is visible.

Some teachers and scientists have explained that what we see with our eyes in this world is perhaps 20% of all that is available to us. There has always been a veil between what is visible and what is invisible, but in these changing times, that veil has been drawn so thin. Each of us might choose to be open to the fact that in these new times, we can accomplish things we’ve never been able to do before. We might find we have intuitions, we feel energies or we feel empowered in ways we never have before. And these new energies are not just for you and I but they are for all. This spirit that dwells within is in all people- those we understand and those we do not. All are in their own phase of elevation. Some are totally unaware, others are beginning to soar.

I foresee a world ahead where there will still be many different kinds of people, with different ways and beliefs. In this new world, those differences can be honored and we all may live together in peace. The key to beginning to build this new world is for each of us to look within, to begin to explore this spiritual being we all are. Bit by bit we might consent to releasing our belief in only the visible, to release the limitations of the visible, physical world. Each of us will do this in our own ways, in our own time but I will encourage you to begin. The path for me has been very freeing , encouraging , and filled with hope.

Love is our only path.
have fun!
Love is the only path.