

My goal is to empower you by helping you connect with natural skills, energy, goals and dreams. Touch base with me and tell me how I can help you or your group.

ReSet Breathwork

    • There are many styles of breath work – from the ancient to modern approaches. I choose to teach you about the breath itself and its power allow you to shift your mood, energy or release emotions. I want you to have a “tool box” of conscious breathing methods to use and share as needed in your daily life.

Treat Yourself Well self-care workshop

Self-care is so important, especially in changing times. I love visiting my wellness pro for treatment but know that on a daily basis, I can use some help. Treat Yourself Well workshop covers 6 areas of self-care that are simple to do and so helpful. Each topic gives you a basic understanding and a simple experience of these practices: mindful check-in, reflexology/accupressure, breathwork, self-massage and movement, meditation and sound journey.

Mindful Kindness workshop

Mindfulness is a wonderful, simple and very “portable” meditation style. In this workshop, I teach mindfulness with a strong dose of self-compassion encouraging you to care for you in healthy ways when stressors arise.

You might think you can’t meditate but you can. I’ve studied meditation since I was a teenager. I’ve explored and taught many styles. Today I enjoy teaching how to find the power of meditation in a way that best suits and empowers you.

Other workshop topics– some I’ve taught in the past and others I’m interested in creating. If you’re interested too, let me know. 

Creating ritual and ceremony– exploring ways and materials you can use to create  ceremonies that empower you, your way.

Healing with sound, your voice and words– exploring ways to use your voice and your words to heal and empower yourself.

Vital Energy Healing– I am a master energy healer with 30+ years of experience with many schools of energy healing. Over the years of working with 1000’s of clients, I discovered that I use a quite simple energy healing technique that I love to teach and encourage others to pass along

Automatic writing– channeling your higher self- Come experience the practice of automatic writing. Some call this spirit writing and it is considered a psychic skill. In my experience, we are all becoming more psychic as the veil between physical and spiritual gets thin. This is a fun workshop with some guided meditation, experiential time to try the practice and time for discussion after.

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