Simple self care in challenging times.

In these changed times, it can seem hard to hold on to your positivity, your vision for your happy, healthy future. I understand… I truly do. I’m in the middle of a health wake-up call and I realized today that taking positive action feels a bit like walking a tightrope. What do I have time and money for? How can I change my already crammed schedule to make time for these new practices to build health? Do I have time to make dreams come true AND to shore up my wellness so that I can be an active part of those dreams.

“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.”
— Audre Lorde Continue reading “Simple self care in challenging times.”

Lifestyle wellness

Energy, all around and within. Image Ⓒ

Oh great, another new term… what do I need to change now?
If this is your reaction, relax. I’m not asking you to change one more thing. I’m asking you to change everything. LOL

Lifestyle wellness is a term I love. I embraced it after reading “Lifestyle Medicine Handbook- an introduction to the power of healthy habits” from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. We all need a bit of light reading, right? Continue reading “Lifestyle wellness”

I am perfect

I’m a little surprised you even clicked on that title… “I am perfect.” Perhaps you’re curious about what bit of ego might be on the loose here. Or maybe, you have worked hard and come to accept yourself, as I try to, as perfect. Continue reading “I am perfect”