I think it’s important for us to begin to embrace the idea that our energy footprint is large. When I use the word footprint, I’m using that same idea of a carbon footprint. The effect of our energy on this world is so much greater than we believe.
When you look at another human and choose to think, “What a jerk!” that energy radiates out of you and affects the overall energy of the world. You may not think it’s a big deal but energetically, you’re much more powerful than you know. All of us are, whether we’re aware of our spiritual self or not. This idea of being powerful, of being aware of all that we’re doing energetically is so, so important now. On the flip side, if our habit is to pick people apart, maybe not to their face, because it’s fun to be snarky, what is that doing to your energy field?
What if you consciously make a decision to stop yourself when tempted to be unkind. You can remind yourself that any being, regardless of the way they look, the way they sound, the role they play in the world, or who they seem to be through your eyes… all beings are spirit walking around in a space suit, walking around in a meat suit. We are all spirit and this body gives us the real gift of experiencing being physical manifestation of spirit in the earth plane. Your physical self is like the vehicle for that spirit in you. Having the opportunity to be here, to be alive is rare and wonderful.
If you’re here, alive at this time as the world is trying to awaken, trying to survive, you’re here because you came to help! One of my teachers, Lee Harris, in this one of his songs says, “They called us down, they called us down and we all came down to earth.” You came intimately connected to the spirit that is within you but most of us haven’t been taught much about that powerful aspect of yourself. You likely were taught to see your role here to make money and have a shiny car, a big house, and someone to love. All those things are fine, as experiences on earth, but they are not why you’re here. Material possessions and presence of absence of a primary relationship are not ways to assess the value of a being.
The true reason you’re here is to help, to be of service as our world awakens. You are here to help.
That doesn’t mean that you have to go stand on some stage and tell people what to do. Being on that stage could be how your meat suit would choose to help the world by directing, telling people what your brain says is important.
The way to change the world as spirit is to love. It’s that simple. When you’re criticizing or pointing out somebody’s shortcomings, you’re not loving. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to you because we have been taught through habit to not honor anyone who is different.
We’ve been taught so much in this world that keeps us from our purpose, keeps us from our real power. That’s hard to overcome. It’s hard to change. I’m not that person either standing up on stage saying, “here’s the way to the the light.” I’m just saying love is the only path to change the world. Love is the only path.
We won’t elevate our world through the existing political systems or the medical systems or the pharmaceutical businesses. We won’t change the world because of money or through war. We will only change the world through love That’s it! Love should and can permeate every area of your life.
You might think of loving the world as making a donation to a charity. Being charitable with your money is a nice thing. But when you begin to love by stopping yourself from criticizing the goofy guy at the class reunion. You know the one, you still remember him being a dorky or even unkind teenager. When you focus your awareness on stopping that criticism by pausing, taking a deep breath and remind yourself that person is spirit in a meat suit. All sentients beings are!
In the Buddhist tradition that term sentient being means everything that is able to perceive or feel. All things, even those we don’t think of as being spirit are! When I studied with the Native Americans, I learned about the stone people and the power that they wield. They have been here the longest. They are the wisest. The stone people don’t have arms and legs and mouths. They don’t have meat suits like we do. They have a different kind of suit but are just as powerful for the spirit that dwells within.
So I’m just offering this tidbit to suggest that if you would like a better world, you must be a better you. To be a better you, you have to step back from the meat suit part of you. That physical self has been trained by a world that is failing. Consider that you are spirit. And in that reality, choose to be love, choose to be kind, choose to stop yourself and begin retraining your brain.
Retraining your behavior is neurologically possible for you, for all of us if we make that choice and put out effort. The world needs you to help. This is a real way, within your grasp, within your skill set (or perhaps a new but much needed skill to hone?) but it is possible. So I give you this today. Love is the only path to a more loving, sustainable, equitable world. Love is the only path.
I wish you well and I ask you to be love the world so desperately needs
Love is our only path.
have fun!

For those of you who have followed me for years, this blog has shifted from encouragement or news to info that is coming thru my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me. It all might resonate with you…. and it might not. No worries either way. It’s here as encouragement, passing along what I’ve learned from within and out.