What are we doing here?

Meditation on Peace by artist Kathleen Hill http://www.kathleenhillart.com

I came to meditation as a teenager with a mind that never shut up and horrible headaches. I learned to relax my body and in time, I learned how to relax my mind. With more time I learned that my mind isn’t me… but a tool to serve me. And then things got more fun. But that’s just my path. Yours will be different and equally fun to watch. Continue reading “What are we doing here?”

Dream on!

A dream map is not a new concept. I’m not sure where I first learned of it. But I’ve done them since I was a teenager. They used to be pictures torn out of magazines and pasted together on a piece of cardboard. The idea is to give yourself a visual of where you want to go. My life goals have changed a lot over the years but the idea that beauty is up ahead has always motivated me.

Continue reading “Dream on!”

A different point of view

The election is over with some happy and some not. I was not happy and I was sadly surprised. But the US has a new president and that’s how democracy works. I will continue to visualize the best for all of us in the future.
The deeper lesson for me was “how did this happen?” How did I not imagine that Mr. Trump could succeed? It seemed unthinkable to me. True, that I don’t follow the news so my impressions of him often came from social media. I had done some research about his accomplishments and I knew he wasn’t my candidate. But he did appeal to many. So my mission now is to look into  why he was chosen by some. How did they look at this same person I did and see positive when I saw negative?
Since the election, I’ve done a lot of reading. I’ve been reminded that while I don’t make much money, I’m much better off than many. I have an education and marketable skills. I have a roof over my head and a bit of money stashed away. Many in this country are trapped in poverty with no foreseeable way out. They have a very different point of view . than I. I’ve explored stories of “silent Trump voters” those that chose him but don’t see themselves as bigots or racists. They feel the media aggrandized some of the negatives (on both sides) but beyond the shocking statements, the bottom line was either Republican values, desire for smaller government, relations with middle east and I’m sure many more points of view I have yet to read about.
At this point, I’m humbled with the powerful reminders that I don’t see the world as many others do. That doesn’t make them wrong, it just makes us and our perspectives really different. This country was build on the premise that one could come from many, that all are welcome. If I can separate their opinions from their humanity… and step back and look clearly at the “other side” with an open heart, I see people. They want freedom, joy and a future for themselves and their families. Most aren’t bigoted, small minded people. They’re struggling, sometimes with burdens I’ve never known.
I’ve always thought of myself as one who loves the differences. And I’m working on seeing this election as being the result of differences. I am working to increase my awareness and am keeping my heart and mind open to the people- not to the media, not to the candidates even. I want to love the people. I imagine if I spoke to many of them, I could see things a bit better from their perspective.
“Find a way to love” continues to be my mantra.

I cling to hope

I wonder if we’re all tired of hearing about election opinions, insights, revelations and other assorted newsworthy items. I certainly am. I don’t post about political news and my opinions because the political “conflict” seems to have brought about a new environment where if I say what you don’t agree with, then I’m fair game for attack! I’m too sensitive, I know but these responses are painful to me. If you said, “I disagree,” or “Have you read this article which espouses a different position” then I’d be fine. But the “You’re an idiot,” “You/he/she sucks” is like a harsh slap in the face to me and I don’t need it.
But I am here to talk about something political. I’m blogging because it’s a long story and with this blog… there’s no “like” or “comment” options as I just don’t want to hear about it. Whether you support or not, that’s not my purpose. Just information in the first person that might be food for thought.
The call to write came when the Trump tape came out where he bragged about how he could grab and get his way with women. Michele Obama spoke about how that tape shook her to the core. It shook me too… shook me back to a time a long time ago when I knew two different men over a stretch of several years who believed as Mr Trump does, that a woman is an object to be taken, manipulated and used. I know what it feels like to be objectified, forced, grabbed and ultimately hurt. The details of all that isn’t important. It was a long time ago and healing has come.
As is the case, when we’ve had a personal experience, I get angry quickly when I hear a man like Trump verbally strut around, pounding his chest in a display of his “power.” But what can I do?
This is all I know to do. I ask you, men… do you treat or have you ever treated a woman with such disregard? (Men as unfeeling as Trump are few and far between, I know.) Women… have you experienced the injustice and pain of having your intellect, skills and heart ignored while realizing it’s just your body that’s wanted? And if any of you had experienced these painful things… do you want more of the same? Ladies, you may feel resigned to “that’s just how men are” from a lifetime of misinformation and abuse but let me turn the tables a bit on you. See, this isn’t about you. Electing an abusive bully to the highest office in the land isn’t just about you as much as about the example your support gives to young men and women. You might have had to deal with harassment or mistreatment in your job or relationships. But is that what you visualize for your daughters and grand-daughters? Would you have your sons or grandsons utter such degrading comments about women and think that’s okay?
This election isn’t just about believing one or the other candidate’s claims… with Trump it goes much deeper. A vote for this angry man is saying to the world and worse, whispering in the ears of our young people, that mistreating others is fine if you benefit. This is not the world I want to build… I hope it’s not the world you want to create either.

When you worry about darkness… 

heart3plusSm.jpgI live in Canton OH. I don’t watch the news. So I was surprised today when a friend told me that Donald Trump would be in our town tonight for a rally.

Damn… that gave me the weirdest feeling as to me, he’s very scary. Scary in that he seems to resonate with divisiveness and I’m about wholeness and oneness. I won’t go further. This blog isn’t about politics. 

On my way home, I drove past the location of the rally just as the doors were opening. There was one lone police car and many people on the streets walking peacefully towards the Civic Center. Many carried signs. I don’t know what they said as I was driving and mostly focusing on the energy of the space, which is what I do. 

And as I drove, I was ashamed of myself. I was looking at people I drove past… thinking to myself, “well, that person certainly isn’t part of my tribe.” To the man on the corner with the sign about deplorables, I smiled, because I didn’t know what he was trying to tell me. I did do some homework when I got home. I won’t go further. This blog isn’t about politics. 

But, I still felt unsettled. A touch worried that something awful might happen in my small town. And a lot wishing I could make things be very different.

This election has shown me clearly what a democracy is about. Every 4 years we vote and a candidate wins. Some people got their wish and others did not. That’s how this game works. But if my choice wins, as happened with President Obama… I need to (and have been reminded forcefully because of social media) be sensitive to the fact that some people did not get their choice. I try not to say much… but from time to time I post something on social media that moves me… and it generally is about something our President has done that makes me feel proud that I voted for him. And invariably, the people who did not vote for him will comment, sometimes very forcefully and even contemptuously that I’m horrible and our president is horrible. I think to myself, “What? Your choice didn’t win so I’m an asshole? No, this is how democracy works.” But I try to shut up and just delete whatever post brought out the contempt and anger.

So now the shoe is possibly on the other foot. Here’s a candidate in my town that I really think is a horrible choice. I won’t go further. This blog isn’t about politics.  But I feel agitated inside… like I need to say something.

So I post this on Facebook…
“Sending light and love for peace and honor to the gathering in the Civic Center, downtown Canton tonight.
May we all remember how to coexist in compassion and harmony.”

And I will go further because this blog is about this. 😉 And because that message was for me. I needed to feel compassion and harmony with the people walking to the Civic Center. There are friends of mine in that crowd. There are people I respect as friends, or co-workers or business owners. I must still respect them and I can’t become that person who just dismisses all of who they are with a “you suck” sort of comment. I must find the positive path.

When you feel unsettled or worried, you have a choice. You can spend your energy visualizing the worst or the best. Whichever you spend your time imagining… remember you are creating. Visualizing isn’t just mental exercise… it is all about creating energy. So what do you wish to devote your energy to? If you spend your time visualizing some catastrophe… whatever that might be to you… you are adding energy to that “story.” And if like me, you choice to visualize peace, love and light… then you are fueling that scenario.
Now I know you might be thinking, “Yeah, airy fairy, law of attraction BS.” But I’ve lived 15+ years of my life under this set of beliefs. And honestly, I believe that thinking and believing in the positive does make a difference. The positive energy that is created around you when you’re imagining something wonderful is REAL and MEASURABLE. And the energy that results when you devote yourself to imagining the worst… that’s equally real and damaging, if for no one else but yourself.
Doubt if you must, but I know for me that it’s true. I can run the positive, happy ending movie in my head or I can spend my energy worrying about all sorts of awful things… but I choose happiness.
So regardless who you support in the political arena, perhaps we can agree on this. Let’s visualize love and happiness. Let’s imagine joy and people feeling fulfilled. Let’s imagine safety and food and health for all. I’ll go so far as to say, I wish for light and love, peace and honor, compassion and joy. And in imagining that, I surround myself with the energy that goes with those wishes.
Whatever comes, let it be loving. Whatever we choose, may we be compassionate. And whenever we are tempted to judge, or separate, please pause and remember that regardless of your religion or lack thereof… our mission is to love. Find a way to love.

There is freedom beyond a cable bill

flight-of-the-butterflies-1If you know me well, then you know that I don’t watch television. I gave it up years ago after traumatic news coverage of 9/11.  Losing the television was actually a really good thing for me. It freed up a lot of mindless time spent staring at the tube. I have had a lot more fun without it.
Over the years, I have bowed to my love of cinema and now I have a TV to watch movies. Last night I discovered “The LIttle Prince” and so many of you offered your insights into the power of that book.

Tonight I watched “The Flight of the Butterflies” and learned so much about the Monarch butterfly but also about scientist Fred Urquhart and his wife Nora who studied migration of the monarch butterfly for 40 years and were the first to actually understand the magnitude of their migratory paths. The video of the Monarchs wintering in Mexico and the actors portraying the Urquharts were so inspiring. They devoted their lives to solving this mystery and they accomplished a life long goal with much help. Amazing.
Somehow between last night and tonight, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I don’t watch the news. I don’t know what Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton have done or said today. I’m not sure who the celebrities of the day are, and I’m not sure if I care. I do hear about the things I must be meant to hear thru social media. But my evenings aren’t filled with news or reality tv. I’m really boring when the conversation turns to people’s favorite shows… but I have learned to smile and nod. Often they never really ask if I know what they’re talking about.
As no one really wants to know that I love my life without TV. It’s just a bit too weird. But believe it or not… I have friends who also don’t have television. I’m not the only weirdo. haha!
The reason to share this is not to inspire you to do what I do. That’s never, ever my motive. You all need to do what your spirit draws you to do as I must do what I am inspired to chase after. The reason to share is this simple joy.
My dad used to say that if something didn’t involve him, his job or his family, then he didn’t need to know about it. I used to argue with him as “you have to be aware of what’s going on in the world!”  And now… all these years later, I find it deeply helpful and mildly amusing that I have adopted my dad’s philosophy.Thanks Pop. You are so very wise, wherever you are.
Wishing you much love and overwhelming peace

When everything is changing

(This blog first appeared on the JourneyArtGallery.com site    That blog will eventually go away, so I opted to copy it here so I could remember how that time of life felt. )
Judi and I made an announcement this week that our store, Snarky Art & Journey Studios is closing Sept 30. We both said, (and forgive me Judi as this was a private conversation 😉 ) “Now the shit will hit the fan.”

I think I expected that people (as they are apt to do) would tell us we were wrong to close. They would suggest 50 other ideas that likely we had tried or dismissed because we have all the information needed to make a decision and others don’t. I expected people would try to shame us for “letting down the community.” And I expected the doom-and-gloom-ers, saying “well there goes the Arts District.” 

Guess what? I’m full of shit.

Do you know what happened 98% of the time? People were kind. People were understanding. People (especially artists) supported our decision. Some people prefaced their commentary with gratitude, “Thanks for all you’ve done.” People were sad, and so are we… but they did seem to understand.
And the few who jumped my ass about closing were people who didn’t really understand my business, or me, or the business of art in general. In other words… people who are uninformed. A few people made comments on social media about “there goes the arts district” and before I could respond, others in our community jumped in to explain how vital the Arts Community in Canton is. All our dear friends at Avenue Arts Marketplace & Theatre (which some of us in deep love will always call “you know, the old Second April”) were quick to step in to remind the nay-sayers that their beautiful and grand art and theatre space is alive, well and busy reinventing itself. Others reminded the public (thank you Canton Repository, its editorial staff and Dan Kane) that  “A degree of turnover in any downtown is to be expected, and we anticipate that it won’t be long before another artist comes along to fill the void.” *

I’m really exhausted right now. We had a more than busy week. But emotionally, I’m calm, supported and even smiling and this is all because humanity surprised me in a lovely way this week. And for this, I am so very grateful.
As always, I send light and love to you and yours.
May we always try to find a way to be kind and compassionate.
