New year, new energy, new attitude?

Welcome to a new year.
2020 got our attention… our fear, our energy. Our focus was on the pandemic, the unknown and change. The energy we used to put into health, wellness and self-care seemed to vanish. Worry and fear are such powerful emotions and we’re not comfortable with them AT ALL. So that discomfort sucked up the energy and focus we might have put into our wellness. Continue reading “New year, new energy, new attitude?”

Love every thing

As a wellness and meditation teacher, I want to share with you what calming practice has taught me. It has shifted my perspective on most everything. I feel like I live in a very different place than I did 20, 10 and even 5 years ago. This new place lets me watch what goes on around me and “most of the time” I don’t have to get pulled into the fray. There’s a peace where I live, a sort of knowing that everything is going to be all right. I wish I could share it with you. I suppose this long, long blog is an effort to try to do that… or perhaps to begin a process of letting you know that there is a really different world available, one where you don’t have to stay glued to the media to survive, one where you don’t have to be filled with fear about your future. Continue reading “Love every thing”

How are you?

How are you? I don’t offer any details here about disease, rules, stats or forecasts. What I am here for is to say, “How are you?”
Social distancing for health was a shock to me. Now, you might not know me so let me tell you a bit. I’m the introvert’s introvert. I can function socially and must to teach and lead but given a choice, I almost always choose, ✔️ Hide at home.
Continue reading “How are you?”

New moon- new beginnings

The full moon gets all the attention. She’s bright and beautiful and brings a special sort of energy to many of us. Recently, however, my attention has been drawn to the quieter, more mysterious version of the moon, the new moon. The new moon brings us “new beginnings power.” I use her arrival as my reminder to meditate on my intentions, goals, problems and progress. Continue reading “New moon- new beginnings”

There is hope, light and a brighter future

The news is filled with stories of fear and sadness. But that is not all of the world. There are wonderful things happening every day. People are helping one another. New ideas and inventions will help us clean up the planet. Babies are born filled with light and potential. You can choose to focus on the good, allowing your vision of better days ahead to fill your thoughts. When fear and hopelessness push into your mind, make a conscious decision to release your worry, clearing space for thoughts of better things to come.
Continue reading “There is hope, light and a brighter future”