Meditation is a tough word. It’s had bad marketing. People think of it as something hard, something unattainable. People judge themselves on their ability to do it or not do it. Often even meditators judge themselves because they don’t meditate regularly, often enough or long enough. That’s a shame. Continue reading “Why do I teach meditation?”
Wisdom gleaned from busted stuff
I think that life (the universe, god, goddess… plug your term in here)
talks to me. The messages come thru dreams, thru insights, in surprising, “Where did that come from” sort of thoughts. Lately she’s talking to me thru busted stuff. Continue reading “Wisdom gleaned from busted stuff”
Now I’m the teacher
I was a really shy kid. I was the one who walked into the room looking at her shoes because looking up was too scary. That was a long time ago.
Somewhere along the way, I did get brave enough to look up into the eyes and hearts of others. Eventually, I even learned to speak up. In time, I found that I love to teach.
Continue reading “Now I’m the teacher”
Obstacles or illusions?
Sometimes a picture is worth a lot of words.
have fun out there!!
much love!
Photo and quote by me
Step back from “what if” fear
Fear can be real
if you’re facing a hungry tiger,
if you’re getting washed away in a flood,
if your child is ill.
But daily fear isn’t real.
It’s a tool that can control, and
keep us from being all we can be.
Step back from “what if” fear and
find your strength and your dreams again.
Be the tiger or the power of the flood.
Be the healer of all sick children.
That power will bring a new and better world.
No one person has all the power.
Breathe deeply and reclaim yours.
5 self care practices for people who have no time for self care
The first time some one asked about my self care program, I thought, “Self what?” The caring conversation that followed did push me to agree about the importance of self care and consider a plan of action. Continue reading “5 self care practices for people who have no time for self care”
Believe in a happy new year!!
My wish for you is a year of peace, health, love and fulfillment.
But a more important wish is that you believe that your year will bring you peace, health, love and fulfillment. Continue reading “Believe in a happy new year!!”
Welcome gentle winter
The snow has fallen
like a blanket covering the season past,
creating a clean canvas
for what lies ahead.
Space to meditate on deeper truths.
Need to still our busy minds
and wrap ourselves in a blanket of what can be.

Loving kindness a day later
Yesterday, at our group meditation gathering, I led a loving-kindness meditation. The goal of the meditation is to help each heart get habitually more open to others; those we love, those we don’t know so well and even to those who we may not like. Continue reading “Loving kindness a day later”
My loving kindness meditation
My loving kindness meditation
Welcome to the holiday season. Whatever you celebrate or whether you celebrate a holiday or not… this time of year introduces some stressors that can increase your anxiety and rock your normal calm self. Continue reading “My loving kindness meditation”