3 important points in our transforming world

I’m leading a meditative painting experience this weekend. Preparation involves a lot more than gathering supplies… I was meditating on how to begin the class to help them feel free, have fun and touch on the deeper meaning of what we will do.

I was visualizing opening the class… visualizing is another term for talking to myself… and I just loved the words that were coming. So I started typing them down. Why share it here? Because this message is the heart of everything I do. And most of you will not be in my class Sunday so… here it is.  Enjoy! 💜

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2020- a higher perspective

You are needed and now is your time.
credit Lee Harris Energy.

If you read through this, bear in mind that I’m not placing myself in some position of authority at all. I have lived my life with this sense ever since childhood that I’m here to help the world to recover, grow and heal. I believe we are now in that time. There is much work to do. I’m sharing what I’ve learned, what is helping me and some resources. May it inspire you, encourage you, lift you to this next level.
with great love
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