3 important points in our transforming world

I’m leading a meditative painting experience this weekend. Preparation involves a lot more than gathering supplies… I was meditating on how to begin the class to help them feel free, have fun and touch on the deeper meaning of what we will do.

I was visualizing opening the class… visualizing is another term for talking to myself… and I just loved the words that were coming. So I started typing them down. Why share it here? Because this message is the heart of everything I do. And most of you will not be in my class Sunday so… here it is.  Enjoy! 💜

Welcome to our day to play.
Is anyone feeling worry or a bit of anxiety about what is coming?
What is coming is … you will play.

Play is a meditative practice. Meditation is where we exercise our power to redirect the mind, the brain, the thoughts.

You will explore color and how it can appear of the paper in front of you and how when you put two colors side by side, they make something new or more than either color was alone.

You will find that the power of art is in the experience, the play, the meditation, the color and has very little to do with results.
People stifle their creativity because they label art as good or bad based on judgement they place on the result. That is a learned practice, but it is not normal, right or fun.

Normal is what happens when you were small… and you still knew how to play.
When we were children, we all were artists, singers, dancers, actors. I was a superhero and could fly when all my mother had done was to tie the kitchen towel she had just dried the dishes with around my neck… and I ran out to the picnic table- climbed up on top it in a warm summer breeze, stretched my arms out and I was flying.

As children, we knew the truth about much of life. Our society taught us some untruths and we eventually forgot our inherent wisdom. Today I’m going to remind you of some of those truths… because it’s important to navigate our transforming world.

We have built a society that believes in the physical, the visible and the practical. If we can’t see it, touch it and figure it out, we don’t believe. However, welcome to our transforming world. The energies of the planet, energy in each of us is shifting. Whether you feel it and understand it all yet, the world is elevating. What I mean by that is that the things you knew as a child, were true and always have been true. Our world is now changing so that people can begin to embrace the reality that there is so much more than you see, can touch or figure out in practical terms.

Our new world will operate on the truths that beyond the visible, there is also the invisible. The invisible world has been poo poo’d as woo woo… but it is here and every bit as real as what you see.

Alongside and within the physical is the spiritual. Spiritual has little to do with church or religion. It has everything to with the reality that while my body can look different than yours and my mind can think different thoughts, hold different opinions, within each of us is spirit. That spirit is how we can always connect– to another human, an animal, the plants, our mother earth herself. Spirit is higher, brighter and transcends our perceived differences. Thru the spirit, we can be one.

Then we come to practical… beyond practical– the things that make sense to our body and mind– there is the realm of magic. I knew it as a child, that I could fly with the tea towel as my cape and experience joy, freedom and wonder while an onlooker might just see a kid standing on the picnic table in the summer breeze.

Visible- invisible
Physical- spiritual
Practical- magical

This new world that’s being birthed will be powered by the invisible, the spiritual and the magical. That is the world I work to live more solidly in every day. That is a world that can be powered by love and compassion, not greed, power and war.

So… welcome to your painting class. 😉 Maybe not the intro you were expecting, but oh… we will have such fun.

Much love to you all. ❤️
have fun!

#newenergy #5Dworld #awakening