3 important points in our transforming world

I’m leading a meditative painting experience this weekend. Preparation involves a lot more than gathering supplies… I was meditating on how to begin the class to help them feel free, have fun and touch on the deeper meaning of what we will do.

I was visualizing opening the class… visualizing is another term for talking to myself… and I just loved the words that were coming. So I started typing them down. Why share it here? Because this message is the heart of everything I do. And most of you will not be in my class Sunday so… here it is.  Enjoy! 💜

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post 1 from within

In case you missed the announcement  (a quiet announcement, true) that the blog is shifting from messages from me that might help you… to messages that are coming thru me, my intuition, my internal guides or external resources that help me… and maybe you too. Enjoy or walk on by. Shine your loving light, however you can. Love is the only path to help us all.


We are living in times of great change. Change is a word that we resist. “I don’t want to change“ or “change is hard!” So rather than discussing change today, I’ll use the word transformation. It may not be any easier in your mind but transformation is creating something brand new from what we have at hand…. being creative which what is/was me. .

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been awhile

Hi, welcome back to me!

I’ve been silent, not because anything has been wrong. Yeah, 2020 was an amazing year of learning for me.. I understand there was pain, loss and the whole world got sick. But the whole world has been sick for so long.  And I believe she’s beginning to heal herself and I want to help her, help me and help us all.

In a nutshell, here’s my take on what’s been up with me.

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