Positivity isn’t blindness, it’s a choice.

“The power of positive thinking” was published by Norman Vincent Peale in 1952. That was before even I was born!!! Without referencing the book in particular, the concept of positive thinking feels empty to some, an energy of fake happy, if you will. But positive thinking for me is visualizing good results, reaching goals, great happiness. The energy created by these visions is uplifting and empowering. Positive thinking isn’t a magic wand that instantly drops a Porsche in your driveway or fixes a negative bank balance. But herding your meandering mind towards positive visions is a choice that long term pays great benefits.

Continue reading “Positivity isn’t blindness, it’s a choice.”

What to do in tough times?

I suppose I could have entitled this blog, “What to do ALL the time” but that sounds a bit too controlling so… let’s roll with it.

I have a friend who has gotten a very hard medical diagnosis. Several other friends shared this news with me. They’re shaken, sad, worried. But what can we do that might help? I say, as I always say, “I send them light and love.” But to many of you, that sound like some woowoo escape hatch and today, I want to take the time to explain what I mean by “light and love” and exactly why that can help. Continue reading “What to do in tough times?”

2020- a higher perspective

You are needed and now is your time.
credit Lee Harris Energy.

If you read through this, bear in mind that I’m not placing myself in some position of authority at all. I have lived my life with this sense ever since childhood that I’m here to help the world to recover, grow and heal. I believe we are now in that time. There is much work to do. I’m sharing what I’ve learned, what is helping me and some resources. May it inspire you, encourage you, lift you to this next level.
with great love
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