I love this bench. I see it on hikes on a regular basis and photograph it often. Somehow the images never show the energy I feel from this view. What comes out in the photos seems drab? What I see is much more curious and inviting.
Perhaps it’s a bit like life today to me, in that if we view it through the old framework, the old expectations, the old rules perhaps things seem drab and even unmanageable?
I am encouraged to take action within to change the world. What does “take action within” mean? In my experience, I have great power for change in shifting the way I think, the actions I take, the words I allow to come out of my mouth. Building a new more loving, equitable, sustainable world isn’t up to “them.” This new world is built by me… and you… by each of us choosing to take a fresh look at our personal power to affect change in the world.
So I added something different to this photo today – a fresh perspective, some new energy! Think I’d like it better this way. And I’m suggesting that perhaps you might want to look at the world before you from a fresh perspective, in a new way as the world is transforming, I hope you are open to welcoming change with love.
Love is our only path.
have fun!