A human being- body plus spirit- can accomplish almost anything. Sadly, too many of us have fallen into the habit of believing what someone told us once when we were 6 or 16 or 46… they told us we couldn’t. Or we tried something new and it was hard. We weren’t natural geniuses on our first try. And for the rest of our lives, like little puppets, we repeat, ” I can’t do that, I can’t I can’t.”
Take a deep breath and consider the truth that you CAN. Quit believing the limitations placed on you by people who never reached their true potential… and with one thoughtless comment, they squelched your passions, your power. Quit telling yourself (and quit telling me too) what you can’t do. Because I know that I can… and you can too. The world is changing and she needs the whole you, the powerful, wonderful, loving you to help her birth this new world.
Break the “I can’t” habit and face the day with new eyes, an open mind and breathe strength into those dreams of yours. Now is the time and you are ready.