This Journey- a path to simple enlightenment

2024 was a big year for dreams coming true for me. I released an album of sound healing meditation music and I finished a book. Funny, if I looked at my expectations for 2024, I had failed miserably. My healing practice is still almost standing still when I expected things to be growing and thriving. However, as is generally wise, I didn’t sit in the shit, I just looked around that what else I could do in the meantime.
Continue reading “This Journey- a path to simple enlightenment”

Nov news blast

Here’s my solution to all of us who rarely read email newsletters. I want to keep up on your stuff but… time, ya know? It’s hard to make the time. So, my thought is if you think “I wonder what’s up with Suni” that you can stop here and get caught up without wading through social media.

My biggest news is music!!! 

  • New album of sound meditation music releases Nov. 15!
  • Will be available on many streaming services.

Continue reading “Nov news blast”

Don’t forget to breathe! part 1

I’m teaching breathwork classes again. I was reminded that in the classes that students have a wide range of experience with breath. There are those who have studied breathwork deeply and want to come just to see what else they can learn or to enjoy the shared experience. I also meet people who are unable to take one deep breath. The class is (was) structured for a beginning level practitioner but this experience with such a wide range of students nudged me back to the blog, as the place to share more ideas than I can in a short workshop. This is first in a series on breathing well  and why it’s so important.  Continue reading “Don’t forget to breathe! part 1”

Sounds to heal

I haven’t blogged much about sound likely because I’ve been exploring so much. When I’m learning and exploring, it’s hard for me to stop and say, “Here’s what I know” because the knowing is growing.

I have arrived on a level with sound when I know I have enough to share and words to explain what a I know… perhaps.
Continue reading “Sounds to heal”

So much to tell you about sound…

“There’s so much I want to tell you. But words don’t seem to work!

We’ve often communicated our deepest thoughts to another, only to see them gazing at us with wide eyes as if we are totally out of our minds.

So  words can be inadequate as vehicles of energy, as vehicles of wisdom!

And so I can’t really communicate to you:

  • -the magic of what I’ve learned in life, –
  • -the things that I’ve embraced that have really helped,
  • -the things that help me now navigate this transforming world
  • -the ways that help me help others.

If words are not the magic wand, then what is the magic?

For me, the magic is sound.

So what am I going to transmit to you via this sound?.
Purely what you need.

Some of you have come here seeking. And you’ll receive.
And some of you were seeking connection to a higher self,
you’re seeking to take a journey to the lands within.
You’re seeking encouragement or knowledge
to make that next step to the next level of awakening or enlightenment.

The beauty of sound is that it will meet you where you are.

So no matter what I am playing, my essence is sending you love. And love is the key to all of it. Breathe in deeply the love that is carried through this expression. Breathe it in, let it wrap your body, knowing that you can pull from the wave just what you need.”- suni moon