Simple self care in challenging times.

In these changed times, it can seem hard to hold on to your positivity, your vision for your happy, healthy future. I understand… I truly do. I’m in the middle of a health wake-up call and I realized today that taking positive action feels a bit like walking a tightrope. What do I have time and money for? How can I change my already crammed schedule to make time for these new practices to build health? Do I have time to make dreams come true AND to shore up my wellness so that I can be an active part of those dreams.

“I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival.”
— Audre Lorde Continue reading “Simple self care in challenging times.”

The power of  words- said aloud or repeated in your mind again and again and again and…

My own lessons often  provide the best fodder for sharing. In the past few days, I’ve said or been told repeatedly about the power of words. So… guess it’s share time?

The words we say out loud are one category… “I’m fine,” “Oh that’s okay, I don’t mind,” or the ever popular, “It doesn’t matter to me.” Sometimes what we say aloud is exactly what we’re thinking. Those are the truthful times. Congratulations on those. Continue reading “The power of  words- said aloud or repeated in your mind again and again and again and…”

Positivity isn’t blindness, it’s a choice.

“The power of positive thinking” was published by Norman Vincent Peale in 1952. That was before even I was born!!! Without referencing the book in particular, the concept of positive thinking feels empty to some, an energy of fake happy, if you will. But positive thinking for me is visualizing good results, reaching goals, great happiness. The energy created by these visions is uplifting and empowering. Positive thinking isn’t a magic wand that instantly drops a Porsche in your driveway or fixes a negative bank balance. But herding your meandering mind towards positive visions is a choice that long term pays great benefits.

Continue reading “Positivity isn’t blindness, it’s a choice.”


It’s January in the northern hemisphere. Here in Ohio, this time of year often brings grey and cold. A great season to bundle up and wander the sleeping forest. Or to snuggle at home with a cup of tea. Pretty pictures perhaps but what piece of the puzzle might be missing? While we slowly navigate this quiet season, our thoughts and dreams don’t have to sleep.

Continue reading “Doorways”

sound and transformation

You are alive in a magical time of transformation. The world and her inhabitants are shifting levels. Truly, I think it’s the humans that are shifting. Our plant, animal, elemental friends, the earth, the planets, the cosmos… they’re already at a balanced, healing,  sustainable, loving, compassionate level. Now it’s time for humanity to evolve.

This transformation isn’t something that arrives external to you and fixes things so you feel better. The transformation is you, in you, of you… in and of each of us. Awakening, enlightenment, 5D energy… whatever you call it… to me the transformation is a simple thing.

Continue reading “sound and transformation”

What are you visualizing?

lighted path in the woodsHappy new year!! I love this time of year. It’s my time to really go deep with where I am in life and where I want to go.  Are you pondering your intentions, resolutions and dreams?

Here’s a bit of encouragement if dreaming about the new year isn’t filling you with joyful anticipation.

Visualization- “the formation of a mental image of something.” Call it imagination, dreaming, anticipation… visualization is the “movie” of your life that you run in your head. An important factor about those thoughts that you regularly spin in your brain is that they are energy. Yes, what you think about is real measurable energy. That energy affects you and everyone around you.

Continue reading “What are you visualizing?”

Lifestyle wellness

Energy, all around and within. Image Ⓒ

Oh great, another new term… what do I need to change now?
If this is your reaction, relax. I’m not asking you to change one more thing. I’m asking you to change everything. LOL

Lifestyle wellness is a term I love. I embraced it after reading “Lifestyle Medicine Handbook- an introduction to the power of healthy habits” from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. We all need a bit of light reading, right? Continue reading “Lifestyle wellness”