What are you visualizing?

lighted path in the woodsHappy new year!! I love this time of year. It’s my time to really go deep with where I am in life and where I want to go.  Are you pondering your intentions, resolutions and dreams?

Here’s a bit of encouragement if dreaming about the new year isn’t filling you with joyful anticipation.

Visualization- “the formation of a mental image of something.” Call it imagination, dreaming, anticipation… visualization is the “movie” of your life that you run in your head. An important factor about those thoughts that you regularly spin in your brain is that they are energy. Yes, what you think about is real measurable energy. That energy affects you and everyone around you.

So what do you think about most often? Just in general terms, do you day dream about good shit or awful shit? It really does come down to that. Are you spending your day’s allocation of life force energy imagining light or dark? Do you understand that your body prepares for whatever scenario you run in your head? So if I’m imagining the worst (whatever that may be in your world), the body is gearing up to face that.

Our physical and emotional selves generally operate in one of 2 modes- “Oh Shit” mode is more commonly called fight, flight or freeze mode and its counterpart, the ever popular “Ahhhh” mode also known as rest and restore or some variation on that lovely idea.

When you spin the worst option visions in your mind, your body is preparing for battle in real terms. Your pulse and blood pressure climb, muscles tense, digestion slows, thoughts go from big picture to narrow survival focus and stress hormones flood your body. Let me repeat, you thinking about something frightening generates a measurable physical response in your body.

If your body is really going to face a real adversary then being prepared in good.  But when you’re just imagining shit that causes you to panic, you’re wearing your body down for no reason. Yes and even sadder is that the more time you spend in this agitated, on guard state… the harder it becomes for your body and mind to let it go and swing back into the Ahhhhh space.  The vagus nerve has so much to do with our resilient recovery into rest and repose but I’ll save her for another day.

My point is… you can choose. If you’re making up shit… make up happy stuff! You can predict doom and gloom and your body will learn to live as it every moment is your last… or you can explore visualizing good.  If you’re in the habit of focussing on all that is wrong with our world, you might think that imagining good is just fantasy land thinking.  Well, no more fantasy than you making up ugliness. It’s all made up because the only for sure thing we have is this moment.

All we have is now.  You can devote your life force energy into imagining what you don’t want… which is using your real living, breathing power for ugh. You can spend your days telling people about all you hate, seeking to spend time with people who hate what you hate so you can all hate together…
you can use your precious life force energy to visualize and empower all you do want to have happen. You can encourage other people to visualize their joy, their health, their positive choices, their light. You can spend your time in those circles, cranking out more positive energy for each other and for the world.

What part of life do you want to empower? What future do you want to devote your energy to? Quit spending your life currency investing in what you don’t want… rather channel your energy into empowering those things you DO want.

So what are you visualizing for the new year? I’m visualizing joy. I plan to be open to new opportunities, new energies and so much light to find my way to a better world. That thought alone warms my heart ( as well as slows my pulse, lowers my blood pressure, relaxes muscles and opens my thinking to a bigger, brighter picture.)  And I’m visualizing the same for you.

Sending light and love to us all