In my studies over the years, I’ve been so lucky to work with different people, different traditions, indigenous histories and spiritual points of view. I’m preparing now fo a trip to Peru to study with the Q’ero people. I’ve been reading about them, their history and ritual ceremonies.
everything changes… find the love in that
What happens when everything changes? I know if we were face-to-face, and I made that statement, muscles in your face might tighten, your shoulders would draw a bit towards your ears, your hands might clinch into fists.
These transformative times have affected us all in many ways.You might be the sort that says, “I just want things to go back to the way they were.” But in magical, evolving times, going back isn’t going to help us grow and elevate. Instead, here’s my perspective on how change is opening doors for me to see my world differently.
Continue reading “everything changes… find the love in that”
What to do in tough times?
I suppose I could have entitled this blog, “What to do ALL the time” but that sounds a bit too controlling so… let’s roll with it.
I have a friend who has gotten a very hard medical diagnosis. Several other friends shared this news with me. They’re shaken, sad, worried. But what can we do that might help? I say, as I always say, “I send them light and love.” But to many of you, that sound like some woowoo escape hatch and today, I want to take the time to explain what I mean by “light and love” and exactly why that can help. Continue reading “What to do in tough times?”
New year, new energy, new attitude?
Welcome to a new year.
2020 got our attention… our fear, our energy. Our focus was on the pandemic, the unknown and change. The energy we used to put into health, wellness and self-care seemed to vanish. Worry and fear are such powerful emotions and we’re not comfortable with them AT ALL. So that discomfort sucked up the energy and focus we might have put into our wellness. Continue reading “New year, new energy, new attitude?”
Each day a new adventure
Meditation and mindfulness helped me wander thru last year as open and calm as I could be. These calming skills are founded in ancient practices but are perfectly suited to this changing world we live in. Continue reading “Each day a new adventure”
And the answer is…
I received some great insight listening to a podcast* this week. My insight is this is a great time in our lives to not know.
Not know?! What?
Continue reading “And the answer is…”
2020- a higher perspective

If you read through this, bear in mind that I’m not placing myself in some position of authority at all. I have lived my life with this sense ever since childhood that I’m here to help the world to recover, grow and heal. I believe we are now in that time. There is much work to do. I’m sharing what I’ve learned, what is helping me and some resources. May it inspire you, encourage you, lift you to this next level.
with great love
Continue reading “2020- a higher perspective”
Love every thing
As a wellness and meditation teacher, I want to share with you what calming practice has taught me. It has shifted my perspective on most everything. I feel like I live in a very different place than I did 20, 10 and even 5 years ago. This new place lets me watch what goes on around me and “most of the time” I don’t have to get pulled into the fray. There’s a peace where I live, a sort of knowing that everything is going to be all right. I wish I could share it with you. I suppose this long, long blog is an effort to try to do that… or perhaps to begin a process of letting you know that there is a really different world available, one where you don’t have to stay glued to the media to survive, one where you don’t have to be filled with fear about your future. Continue reading “Love every thing”
First, I do believe that all the changes, challenges, trials, we are facing today are part of our world evolving and awakening to become a more loving, compassionate, sustainable world for all sentient beings (to me that means all living entities- people, animals, plants, bugs, the planet herself.)
Continue reading “Learning”
How to change the world?
We must find a way to love one another regardless.
I know it is not enough to state this simple fact. How can we each take action?
One way is to really look inside our own hearts for places where you and I might draw the line between “us and them.” Which humans do you dismiss as being less than? If the color of another’s skin isn’t your “divider,”then what is? Continue reading “How to change the world?”