everything changes… find the love in that

What happens when everything changes? I know if we were face-to-face, and I made that statement, muscles in your face might tighten, your shoulders would draw a bit towards your ears, your hands might clinch into fists.

These transformative times have affected us all in many ways.You might be the sort that says, “I just want things to go back to the way they were.” But in magical, evolving times, going back isn’t going to help us grow and elevate. Instead, here’s my perspective on how change is opening doors for me to see my world differently.

When everything changes, it can be unnerving. We become vividly aware of the fact that we are not in charge. In my life, I’ve chosen to make a lot of changes recently, so you might think I am orchestrating the change. What is true is that I only lit the match, hoping to call sister change to draw near. \

Ah, then the beauty of change kicks in. I got the ball rolling, and then step back and watch and see what happens. I know it’s time to make some shifts, but I know I’m not the orchestrator of all things.

So this post is just to share the wonder that I feel at this point, where I took a step into the unknown, and I’ll keep taking action, but I’m not sure where the train is going right now. And if you could see my face when I make that statement, all I can share is joy and positive visualization of what is coming down the path.,

Sometimes we get so set in our ways, our comfort zones, we just ride it out. Or we get rigid and tense with fear. Change is a wonderful teacher, so when she draws near, take a deep breath, sit down and listen within to listen to her message for you. If you know change is needed in areas of your life, don’t be afraid. Sometimes we just have to take that first step in order to see what’s just beyond the bend. \

It might sound like I’m casting my fates to the winds and in a sense I am. The wind is part of our nature world, part of my world community. I know that the winds, the world, and the wise voice within me all know more about how I might best serve that my busy, busy brain. We listen more to the words from others than we do our own inner voice. So… make friends with that inner voice. Imagine the powers of our world are here to help us. Imagine your ancestors watching over you whispering their help to you in your dreams. Take a walk in the forest, the meadow, the beach or your own back yard and find your connection to all that is.

Everything is gonna be alright. I’m suggesting that you can view change as something to thrive in, not just survive. Breathe and remember that you are your guru, you are your wise sage, you are the maker of magic and love… for yourself and for our world.
Have fun!❤️


#change #bethelove #findawaytolove #encouragement #inspiration #trustyou