How are you?

How are you? I don’t offer any details here about disease, rules, stats or forecasts. What I am here for is to say, “How are you?”
Social distancing for health was a shock to me. Now, you might not know me so let me tell you a bit. I’m the introvert’s introvert. I can function socially and must to teach and lead but given a choice, I almost always choose, ✔️ Hide at home.
Continue reading “How are you?”


Giving we are working thru some trying times, I’m going to get back to more regular posts sharing ideas and practices that might bring you more energy, health and joy.
One healing practice I’ve been enjoying a lot more lately is using sound to share calm and energy with others. I do monthly sound baths at After a sound bath last night with a small group, I was just so glad. Glad to have a space to share, glad for the souls who came to join me. So I propped my phone up and recorded the RaMaDaSa to share.
This is a Sanskrit chant that is ancient. I prefer to teach chants in English to meditation students but this one is still a favorite of mine because of its simplicity and power. It’s about wholeness, energy and connection.
The recording is on my youtube Channel at        

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Ra- the sun, a warm and powerful source of energy
Ma- the moon, receptive and reflective energy
Da-  the energy of the Earth, grounding and nurturing
Sa- infinity, allows energy rise up and out, touching Universal healing
When you chant Sa a second time, you pull the healing energy into you.
Say-  honoring the Source, in a personal, secret way
So- merger, true connection of you and source.
Hung is the Infinite, the essence of
creation. (So Hung together means, I am Thou.) The service of thecosmic intelligence is within me.
RA MA DA SA is the earth mantra.
This part of the mantra pulls the healing vibration into the physical plane.
SA SAY SO HUNG is the ether mantra. This part of the mantra resonates with the universal healing frequency.

It’s worth a little smile

I’m taking a meditation class right now. Yes, I still take classes. There’s always something new to learn and I find that experiencing the learning process as a student brings fresh insights to me.
In our class practice, we were doing gathas. A gatha is like a mantra but a longer phrase intended to keep the mind in the present moment.* Our gatha included the phrase “I smile. ”
Continue reading “It’s worth a little smile”

Be the parade?

It’s parade day in Canton Ohio. For those of you who aren’t local, Canton is the home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. We’re in midst of the annual HOF celebration and this morning is the big parade complete with bands, lovely women and men marching and waving, plus there are lots of those big, floaty balloons. Yippee!  Or not? Continue reading “Be the parade?”