This Journey- a path to simple enlightenment

2024 was a big year for dreams coming true for me. I released an album of sound healing meditation music and I finished a book. Funny, if I looked at my expectations for 2024, I had failed miserably. My healing practice is still almost standing still when I expected things to be growing and thriving. However, as is generally wise, I didn’t sit in the shit, I just looked around that what else I could do in the meantime.

I also paid attention to synchronicities. A class teaching basics of mixing and mastering music passed by on social media and I looked into it. Do I have any knowledge or qualifications. Nope. But surprise, I learned some new skills… and voila, an album. I also decided to start talking to my friends about my work. I know my skills as a sound healer and a teacher have always wondered how all the pieces of me fit together. So while traveling, I chatted with 2 dear friends who separately gave me very similar feedback and  I understood what my book was really supposed to be about. Voila, a published book. If there’s a lesson in all this, simply keep moving, keep trying, don’t give up on your dreams.

You can hear the album- SoulSongs- collection one on your streaming service or at SoundCloud . You can buy the album on BandCamp. 

The book is available as ebook Jan 6 and in print Feb 13. . I’ll post  links when I have them.

Here’s the intro if you’re interested.
Sending light and love to us all.

This Journey- a path to simple enlightenment

I just wanted to be normal, just wanted to fit in. I needed to understand the rules of life. I felt like you all had a rulebook, but I didn’t. It turns out, most of us are missing the rule book. We have bits and pieces here and there- a paper trail or breadcrumbs along the path. That is certainly how it worked for me. I intend this book to help you see your breadcrumbs more clearly. Hopefully, this story will help you appreciate the little gifts you’ve received along the way. May this be a reminder to you to revisit the lessons that were bright and warm as well as the times that were hard and cold- considering all of those together. They are the story of you, as this book is a story of me. Join me on my winding journey as I try to explain how I figured out that, indeed, I do have an inner rule book, an inner guidance system, and I know you do too.

I am a teacher and a healer. I work with individuals and small groups, leading a class today, and two people coming for one-on-one appointments tomorrow. In each of those encounters, I intuitively share insights or healing sound and energy. When we all part ways, I wonder if I helped. I hope I helped. At the end of the day, I think, “What is it I do?” What am I here to teach? Better yet, what do I believe? I have an amazing lifetime of experiences and adventures that have made me who I am. But is there a class I could teach that might pull the experiences together to help others? Is there a breathwork practice or a beautiful sound meditation that can transmit the magic I feel in my heart? Recently, I have looked back at all the adventures and began seeing how the pieces fit together. How this or that experience does make sense looking back. Maybe there IS purpose to all that happened. I can see how the thing that happened 40 years ago makes more sense standing beside the thing that happened 20 years ago. Purposes are even clearer when I put those lessons beside the thing that happened 2 years ago or the new bit I learned yesterday. I began to sense how all the pieces together have made me feel whole and complete.

I have the sort of brain that can’t make sense of a bunch of ideas floating around in my head. I need to write things down to sort them out. So to share whatever I’ve learned from life, I needed to write. I started small… writing ideas that seemed important to share on pieces of paper. I put the papers in a basket on the corner of my desk. Whenever I had a brain fart about an idea or memory that played into the grand idea (whatever that was),  I wrote it on a scrap of paper and put it in the basket. Some days, adding five or six- some days none. This went on for months. My jumbled mess of things that I had learned along the way- ideas and experiences that helped me so much on my path from lost to found, from broken to healed, all piled up in that basket. Until that point, I really couldn’t tell people about the bigger picture of my teaching. I could lead a workshop on this or that subject. I could do a healing session to help another, but what was the goal of it all? I couldn’t even tell those closest to me what all of those little bits of wisdom meant. So I dumped that basket out on the kitchen floor and started sorting it into categories. Categories became chapters and chapters became this book.

I’m not the most eloquent writer, however I’ve proven to be quite good at living a full life. I’m fantastic at finding answers to my questions and as it turns out, I’m quite experienced in listening to my higher self. So here’s the story of how I figured out a path that for me, led to embracing my beautiful little purpose. My life shines with more peace and meaning than I ever imagined back when I started reading other people’s rule books. This book is my way of sharing my winding path with you. And to encourage you that yours is also right beneath your feet, right now, today.

Simple enlightenment is attainment of a clarity, energy, compassion, peace, fairness, kindness and more. Simple enlightenment is no less amazing and powerful than the awakening, samadhi or nirvana of other traditions. I believe it happens when each of us can embrace and employ our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves in union, in our own unique lives. You have simple enlightenment. You were born with it.

This simple approach works for me. I think it opens the door to higher self for many people, especially people who don’t see themselves as mystics or spiritual explorers. I resonate with folks who are finding their own path, their own true expression. All paths to the higher self are valid. If you’re seeking some wise guru who will tell you exactly what to do, you won’t find that here. I don’t offer you deep explanations or strict practices. There are many other books and traditions that work that way. Are you looking for some basic direction then prefer to go blaze your own trail? Then this simple path might fit you just right.

I wish all of us can learn to sit still with ourselves. That’s when we get to know our real identity, explore our true purposes, peel off the labels that society smacked on us, and realize there is nothing wrong with us. We begin to see ourselves and our purposes more clearly. We perceive our path right here and now, not floating nebulously in the future. Can we embrace the idea that there is an invisible part of ourselves that will last well beyond the time our body falls apart? When we connect that invisible aspect, that spirit or energy, with the more familiar physical self, then all the tumblers of the lock can click in. You have enlightenment that you can access whenever you need to. While you still live in our transforming world, you can call back your own sense of calm and peace whenever needed. You always have access to a higher, wiser, calmer self to empower you to build your best life and help your family, community, world do the same. I can teach you this. I can tell you all about the stuff that I explored that works. Study what I’m sharing, and a conduct few research journeys of your own and find your simple enlightenment too.

2 Replies to “This Journey- a path to simple enlightenment”

  1. Absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to read your book, so much resonates already and what a start wow what an amazing journey you’ve been on and so happy we connected last year and hope your enjoying your illum-a-light and still working on that website, vision is there and coming to fruition very soon with much love and light 💫❤️🦋

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