What to do in tough times?

I suppose I could have entitled this blog, “What to do ALL the time” but that sounds a bit too controlling so… let’s roll with it.

I have a friend who has gotten a very hard medical diagnosis. Several other friends shared this news with me. They’re shaken, sad, worried. But what can we do that might help? I say, as I always say, “I send them light and love.” But to many of you, that sound like some woowoo escape hatch and today, I want to take the time to explain what I mean by “light and love” and exactly why that can help. Continue reading “What to do in tough times?”

3 important points in our transforming world

I’m leading a meditative painting experience this weekend. Preparation involves a lot more than gathering supplies… I was meditating on how to begin the class to help them feel free, have fun and touch on the deeper meaning of what we will do.

I was visualizing opening the class… visualizing is another term for talking to myself… and I just loved the words that were coming. So I started typing them down. Why share it here? Because this message is the heart of everything I do. And most of you will not be in my class Sunday so… here it is.  Enjoy! 💜

Continue reading “3 important points in our transforming world”

Sit around the fire

I encourage us each to find a way to pause and breathe. We need the break to turn away from the continual calling of the others, the needs, the world.

We each  must look within for those answers that support you to be you, you to follow your true purpose, to connect with your higher wisdom.

This morning I enjoyed this sweet meditation, a collaboration of Jon Hopkins, East Forest and Ram Dass. A sweet 8 minute assist to pause, breathe and connect with the amazing all that is you.

Sit Around the Fire- Jon Hopkins with East Forest and Ram Dass

Love is our only path.
have fun!

Love is the only path.
heart art by suni moon


you can shift

I love this bench. I see it on hikes on a regular basis and photograph it often. Somehow the images never show the energy I feel from this view. What comes out in the photos seems drab? What I see is much more curious and inviting.

Perhaps it’s a bit like life today to me, in that if we view it through the old framework, the old expectations, the old rules perhaps things seem drab and even unmanageable? Continue reading “you can shift”

the few things I can do and the many that I can’t

I was part of a discussion group recently where a friend was sharing how upset she gets, how much pain she feels from the challenges going on in our world today.  Issues from a dog lost in a local neighborhood to the situation in Afghanistan brought her to tears. She asked how we deal with all that pain. Another wise soul in the group offered her some feedback, the group closed. Later in the evening, this message came pouring out. This is indeed one way I manage the powerful sadness that can be generated if we immerse ourselves too deeply in the world’s challenges.

Continue reading “the few things I can do and the many that I can’t”

no… you really don’t know what I should do and therefore…

follow your path

Today, I’m nudged to chat about something you’re not going to like. It’s time for me to suggest that you quit feeling that you have the right to tell other people what to do.

What? Yes, I believe that you don’t have the information needed to tell anyone else how to behave. Now, if someone is mashing your toes with a rock, yes, of course, you find a way to stop them. But I’m more interested in the fascination we seem to have with “them.” “You know what they should do?” “How can they not see it my way?” Continue reading “no… you really don’t know what I should do and therefore…”

studying bones

So the message comes through that we can’t build a new world using the tools we used to build this current world as it’s proving to be flawed In incredibly important ways.

It is not fruitful to focus on one aspect of a broken system to assign blame. Blame is just creating additional divisiveness. In this new world we are building, we can’t build on separation, rather inclusion.

Continue reading “studying bones”