Leading from wherever you are

Positional Leadership–Leading from wherever you are

Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.  
– Robin S. Sharma

Welcome to 2018!
Our world is different than 10 years ago. Politics, news, business– all so very different today. And please, before you back off from me, I’m not here to complain, whine or spew out doom, gloom and fear. Instead, I want to tell you that I think today’s environment in our country is filled with opportunities.
I’m not a fan of our current administration but know that in a democracy, likely half the time, my choice is not going to be in office. Do I lay down and cry? Do I immerse myself in the media moment-by-moment descriptions of the tiny details of “who did what?” Do I speak poorly of those in power? No! No! No!
This world is mine to take action day by day. My realm (my area in which I can be effective) is local and global. My presence is felt in my small town in Ohio but can be heard all over the world. I have an audience. Now what am I going to do with it?
In times when people are confused, and some are hopeless, what we need are leaders. Some of you run companies or countries but others of us operate outside the structure. We run small businesses. We are consultants. We are contractors. We are employees. We are middle management. We are no management. But we can be effective leaders. We can help.
“Help?” Yes, help! “But help do what?” That, my friend, is the beauty of leading from wherever you are.
What is your passion in life? Who are you beyond the payer of bills, the fixer of flats, the washer of clothes? What drives you? What do you dream about? That thing is where your leadership opportunity lies.
I have a passion to help people find their purpose in life. I want to encourage them to de-stress and begin learning from their small voice within. I think that true wisdom lies in each of our hearts. If we slow down, relax and sit still, I know each of us can begin to connect with those passions within. I have formed groups in my community that meet once a month to learn about meditation. Why meditation? Because I know meditation… it’s one of the tools in my tool belt.
What’s in your tool belt? What would you love to do that you think can help people, perhaps even make the world a better place?

  • Is there an invention that has been cooking in your head for years? Why not make a little time every day to explore what can be done with your groovy cool idea?
  • Do you have artistic skills that make you feel so relaxed and free? Want to share those skills with people who haven’t had access to the training or experience you have had?
  • Does your heart bleed for the homeless and you want to help them? Maybe by training or providing other support?
  • Do you love to garden and wish you could share those skills with people who live in poverty but have a small bit of land in their back yard? Or maybe you want to buy some almost valueless urban lot and make a community garden for them?

Any of these projects require leadership.
Many of them require some funding but often not a lot. As a leader, can you document your concept, do the needed research and begin putting together a plan? Are you willing to make a few phone calls, send a few letters and perhaps enlist support of volunteers or even community organizations in your area that might be willing to provide funding?
Are you willing to take action?
You don’t need to be a “big deal kinda person” to be a leader. You have to have a dream. You have to be willing to invest yourself and your time in your dream. Then you have to do one more very important thing. You must take action!!
So, get on out there, you mighty leaders of the few. Your dreams can make this world a better place. Put your heart into your passions. You can make a difference. I know this is true, because I make a difference too.
suni moon
Artist, teacher, writer and healer

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